Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ah Poop

Why does there have to be so many decisions in life? arg Well I hit a slump with my new lifestyle for the second time this year. I'm trying not to be dissapointed with myself. It is hard especially with no support around me. I have some friends that are Vegetarians but no one is Vegan. It's pretty easy for the most part it's just when I go out or when I'm bummed I'll eat the wrong foods. I guess that would be my emotional eating kicking in. Then to be a pastry chef or not to be a pastry chef..that is now the question! I would love to be able to provide Vegans with wedding cakes and pastries of their dreams!

On another note if anyone out there actually reads my blog and has any advice on lowfat Vegan cooking please send it my way!! I'm having a tough time with it when it comes to deserts! Unfortunetly, many of my friends think that being Vegan means no fat and two lettuce leaves..ignorance rears it's ugly head again. :)

1 comment:

Sandelightful said...

Do I ever understand how you are feeling! It really feels lonely sometimes being the only vegan. I even have some friends who talk to me about thier if they are baiting me. I just don't get it.
It's funny you mentioned possibly becoming a pastry chef because I have been toying with the idea of eventually opening a vegan bakery. I think it's a wonderful idea!
I have a few good lower fat recipes I could send your way, I just need to gather them up. And they are definitely yummier than two lettuce leaves ;)